ZOOM ROOM Microsoft Teams Direct Guest Join

Microsoft Teams Direct Guest Join allows users to join Microsoft Teams meetings from Zoom Rooms without the need for any additional infrastructure or licensing. Connecting to Microsoft Teams meetings previously was complex and required third-party se

Microsoft Teams Direct Guest Join allows users to join Microsoft Teams meetings from Zoom Rooms without the need for any additional infrastructure or licensing. Connecting to Microsoft Teams meetings previously was complex and required third-party services.

Note: This feature is currently in public preview. 

This article covers:


  • Account owner, admin, or role with edit access to Zoom Rooms
  • Zoom Rooms for Windows version 5.1.2 or higher
  • Zoom Rooms for Mac version 5.1.2 or higher
  • Zoom Rooms controller version 5.1.2 or higher
  • Calendar integration with GoogleExchange 2010Exchange 2013 or later, or Office 365

Enabling Direct Guest Join

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal and click Room Management.
  2. Click Account Settings, then click the Meeting tab.
  3. Enable Support 3rd party conferencing dial-in for Zoom Rooms.
  4. Enable Support Microsoft Teams web client meeting on Zoom Rooms.

Joining a meeting

  1. Invite a Zoom Room to a Microsoft Teams meeting by forwarding the calendar invitation.
  2. Once the Zoom Room receives the meeting invite, a Join Meeting option will be displayed on the Zoom Rooms controller.
  3. Click Join Meeting on the controller. You will see the following in-meeting controls: Mute MicrophoneStart/Stop VideoVolume, and Leave meeting.
  4. Sharing User Content requires access to the Microsoft Teams Client. No wireless sharing is supported through the Zoom Room while in a Microsoft Teams call through Direct Guest Join.


If you are unable to see the Join Meeting option on the Zoom Rooms controller, and are using Office 365 for your Zoom Rooms calendar integration, make sure that the "deletecomments" option is set to "False" in your Office 365 settings

Users leveraging link filtering services that don't present the original URL to the room resource mailbox will not be able to leverage Microsoft Teams Direct Guest Join.  The original link is required for a join button to appear in Zoom Rooms.